5239 Mitchell Street Alexandria VA 22312+1(806) 305 8598, +1(806) 305 8599 Working : 24/7/


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Our value-added solutions encompass anything and everything that practices need to simplify and optimize their workflow.

OiG Medical is committed to offering personalized services with an emphasis on effective revenue cycle management of medical billing. We strive to exceed our customers’ expectations by adding value to their practice through our latest tools and exquisite resources.In order to best know the prospect of your success with us, see what value-added services OiG Medical has to offer.

Start your free, 30 day trial today!

OiG Medical can provide your practice with the right tools without burdening your financials other than our service charges. Our services are not software-dependent; therefore, we can seamlessly integrate with every practice management tool. If you have any queries about our medical billing services, please feel free to contact us, get a free quote, or contact our support staff which is available to assist you 24/7.

Did you know

With effective medical billing services, clinicians experience patient safety, beneficiary engagement, and care coordination that contribute to the improvement of clinical practice multifolds.

Did you know

Did you know

Alberta R. Tarango

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mollis euismod placerat. Proin a ipsum cons semper erat vitae, porta…

Dr Caitlin Splinter

Praesent lacinia porta est, ac euismod ex lacinia et. Morbi dictum ac tellus tempor mollis. Integer tincidunt purus et justo…

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