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Telehealth Billing

General Information
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Working Schedule

Telehealth and telemedicine services have become more viable especially after the pandemic. This is why telemedicine has become one of the most integral parts of care practices.
An increased number of providers are including telehealth as a service and OiG Medical is empowering those practices with its telehealth billing services.

Start your free, 30 day trial today!

OiG Medical can provide your practice with the right tools without burdening your financials other than our service charges. Our services are not software-dependent; therefore, we can seamlessly integrate with every practice management tool. If you have any queries about our medical billing services, please feel free to contact us, get a free quote, or contact our support staff which is available to assist you 24/7.

Coding Telehealth Encounters

American Medical Association has developed a set of telemedicine billing codes that they continuously keep on updating. These telehealth codes are deemed necessary to be used by healthcare services providers, medical practices, and hospitals.

Billing Charge Entry

Telehealth Claim Scrubbing

Dr Caitlin Splinter

Praesent lacinia porta est, ac euismod ex lacinia et. Morbi dictum ac tellus tempor mollis. Integer tincidunt purus et justo…

Alberta R. Tarango

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mollis euismod placerat. Proin a ipsum cons semper erat vitae, porta…

Dr Julia Braun

Qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet adipisci velit sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et…

25 Dec


  • 7 AM - 5 PM
  • Dr. Anna Carter
10 Slots Available
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